Announcing in-person Therapeutic Yoga at Ayama Psychotherapy in Lemont, PA.

The lamps are different, but the Light is the same.

One matter, one energy, one light, one light-mind,

Endlessly emanating all things.


Clarity  of  Mind


Connection Within and Without


Balance the Whole of You

Whole of You


G E N T L E & R E S T O R A T I V E Y O G A

Each Light of Light Yoga class is an invitation to step away from the demands of daily life, to renew and nourish the whole of you. Through movement, breath work and stillness, students strengthen, stretch and rejuvenate all the parts of themselves, from the physical to the energetic. Each class is an opportunity to unwind and invigorate in a supportive, accepting atmosphere.

Take a look at what Light of Light Yoga students have to say!


Joy's yoga classes provide a perfect mix of gentle yet challenging poses and movements. Her cues are appropriate for all levels, and she always offers alternatives when needed. Joy's playful, lighthearted approach helps us improve our strength and balance without self judgment, and when she shares her knowledge of yoga's history and foundation,  it always adds to our practice. We are indeed blessed to have such quality instruction here in Bellefonte!


Joy Sciabica is, without a doubt, the best yoga instructor I have ever had. As a women who has just entered my 8th decade, I have had quite a few. In our Gentle Yoga class Joy’s care for each one of us is quite extraordinary as she takes all of our physical quirks into consideration. … She is constantly learning new teaching techniques to keep us stimulated and interested.  Her classes are never boring.  Quite the contrary – I look forward to Monday, Wednesday and Friday Zoom classes with eagerness each week… I have seen my balance problems reduce and my legs become strengthened as a result. I attribute her with my newfound freedom of movement and general feeling of wellbeing.



Having attended yoga classes for years, I find Joy’s among the very best. She takes her time and provides instructions and adaptations for everyone regardless of their age or physical limitations. During this Year of Covid she has continued to teach through Zoom thus allowing for a consistent practice and the ability to gather no matter where we are. Her incorporation of breath work into the practice allows for a calmness that will often lasts throughout the remainder of the day. I can’t recommend her classes enough…5 stars! 


My yoga instructor, Joy, has helped me accept my limitations as I work with my aging body & mind. I’ve learned that it’s a journey. For me, yoga is my medicine.  If I miss a session my body, mind & soul are out of sync. Joy's yoga classes help keep me centered,  balanced and calm my mind. By using various props, Joy helps everyone who is in her class feel successful by adapting postures and poses.


Joy’s Gentle Yoga practice has helped me to maintain my balance and flexibility as I age.  Her skill at modifying poses to accommodate illness and injury is truly remarkable.


I have found classes with Joy very helpful in keeping me flexible and strong. I have been in Joy's classes for around four years and find her very knowledgeable, inspiring, and helpful. I recommend her highly.



Invitation to

Shine Brightly